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KODAK Multi-Purpose Camera Strap functions as a neck strap to hold SLR cameras, or as a crossbody strap to carry compact cameras or smart phones. Along with a Quick-Detach (QD) System that allows cameras and phones to be interchanged seamlessly,
making an incredible convenience to you.

KODAK EKTAR H35N Half Frame Film Camera is an advanced version of the H35 Camera. This new release comes with a built-in star filter to create four-beam flares on the images, as well as a bulb shutter and a tripod hole to support long-exposure photography. Besides, it features an element of glass lens which produces sharper photos with more details captured.

We Make And Protect Cameras

KODAK Camera Wrap provides extra protection to your valuable camera equipment. Two sizes; 31.0 x 31.0 and 38.5 x 38.5 cm are available to support different sized cameras. Stay stylish and functional on the go!

Half the Frame, Double the Fun

KODAK EKTAR H35 Half Frame Camera features a built-in flash and a small-and-light body, and is designed to be easy-to-use. It is ideal for photographers looking to save film and related costs. Four colours are available, namely black, brown, sage and sand.

KODAK Film Case

An essential piece to every film lover to preserve and organize film rolls. The portable steel case segregates the film rolls neatly by an inner plastic case. KODAK 120/135 Film Case fits both 120 or 135 films i.e. eight rolls of 120 film or ten rolls of 135 film. KODAK 135 Film Case can carry five 135 film rolls.

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